Our Dad, Clifford Goll....thanks Matt

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Well there is that....

Yes ...we are still ticking at t-13 MODELING.....we have had a bunch of exciting stuff going on...a bunch of builds...and the start of new builds...we are still having issues with computers and cameras.....so...bear with us...and a bunch of stuff should be coming before the year ends.....

model on Nerdmigos!!!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

POST UP...mini update

yes...Long time no post....We at T-13 Modeling are having a bit of a crisis with cameras....we have kits done...pics to take...cameras that are not working...

We are getting ready for some new builds...
Fennie has some new toys to show..
and our PROJECT list for 2013 will be up soon...
mystery item...can you name it?

Friday, October 5, 2012


Hey peeps...Long time no post...I have a kit finished and I am starting a new one...Fennie wheeled and dealed and got T13 a pile of stuff from Fitchen Foo that he will yap about later....Been a busy time with the end of summer and the start of school...and all the activities that go with it....Football, piano, Scouts...Family..friends....once we get back in the groove, things start to settle, the blog will again come alive

Until then...Time to look forward to more kits, and the time to build them
Liam holding the Gold card

Thursday, August 2, 2012


 Ok gang, long time no post.  I am (as you can see) 95% done with the BIRD BROTHERS CHALLENGE!!!  I still have some minor cosmetic things to do on panel lines (vulcans in particular & beam swords).  This turned out to be the most educational build to date for yours truly.   Seeing Hendo's build is quite impressive and when we have a mini-summit we shall compare notes, take pics and lament
horror stories which there were many.  Per any Gunpla enthusiast, especially when you are making the leap to custom builds, you have a ridiculous standard you hold yourself to which sometimes is a determent.

 So, I post these pics as a prelude to the build write up.  This will be my last "Major Build"  via the sacred "rattle can process.  My next post will review this actually very fun build and a prelude to the future as the Airbrush and compressor have been purchased.  The Golden Age of T-13 Modeling is on the horizon.  Build long and Prosper!!!  So, next post will outline all the aforementioned topics plus a few surprises!!!  Enjoy the Bird Brother Build Off

Saturday, July 28, 2012

RX-78-4 wrap up

This kit has a buttload of parts, and I laid them out on a big board...and then labeled them for color(It took me so long to build this kit, that I forgot my scheme, and actually had to redo it)  I had also done a pre-build...but FORGOT to note the parts to be welded...and I had 2 in the upper arm, and they were load bearing parts...and the lack of a weld caused me a few head aches......

 The painting took a long time..each color had to be sprayed 2 to 3 times per part...and the white needed more...and I kinda missed a few of those parts up...I did not inspect them as good as I should have

 Once every thing was painted up...this kit was very fun to build...a very good design, and if you do a prebuild, there should be no problems...just exercise the holes, and things should fit nicely

 I had a major flub on the back pack...I had to do a bunch of hand painting...and I used enamel paint...and I did not let it dry long enough before touching...aaarghhh
 The Cardinal color scheme came out pretty good...I did have a few parts I painted the wrong color, then had to repaint, so some reds were lighter
action pose

Light-saber pose



Sunday, July 22, 2012

New post coming....RX 78-4 build pics and comments

RX-78-4 Cardinals Gundam
A quick shot of my RX-78-4 Gundam...From the Bird Brothers build off...I will be back with a few more build pics, and what I learned...and all the mistakes..flubs and things that made me pull my hair...and the praise I have for the guys who know how to do this stuff right...

This was my first MG Kit in a LONG time...and I used a airbrush for painting...and learned it is harder than it looks...so...back soon with  more dirt on the build...and hopefully Fennie will have his Seahawk RX post up soon as well

Sunday, May 20, 2012

RX-78-4 Bird Brothers Build off/ spray booth

 Finally got started on the RX-78-4 brother build off...

We are repping our favorite NFL team...Mine the Cardinals...Fenny the Seahawks....

As you can see form the pics, just a
 bunch of pics of parts being separated....

 some primed stuff....

 some painted

 my booth set up....

tools of the trade

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Had to share...

this is our plight
With many of us....this is our plight, our burden...and it's darn funny...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bridge Building update

Completed bridge
Caleb and the rest of A+ builders attended MDOT bridge building competition on Monday April 30th.  They did not place, but they had a lot of fun, and learned a bunch.....They got recognized for innovation in design...

the A+ Builders

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A tale of bridges, coupes, and derby's...oh my

 Troop 255 pinewood Derby...Kyle and Liam built cars and raced them...and did pretty well...finished in the middle of the pack...the boys learned a bunch, and next year they will have better design ideas and more hands on in the building....Kyle's car won best in show...Liam's car took home the T-13 effort award...As you can see from the cars in the photos...pinewood car building can take on all sorts of cool designs and shapes...a modelers dream....

car 7 & 8 are liam's and kyle's

more cars

track for pinewood racers

Caleb  bridge designer
Ben  team worker
 My son Caleb is in the MDOT bridge building competition.  His team, A+ Builders....have entered a bridge of his design taken from a Zelda video game...the competition is not only building a bridge, but putting together a proposal, and power point presentation.  The bridge is tested for its ability to bear weight...and judged on other areas as well....there are 3 members to his team...Caleb did the brunt of the building...Ben helped build, and designed the teams logo and cover page and worked on power point and proposal.  Lyvia(not pictured) did almost all of the writing for the proposal and power point.

 I will post up a picture of the bridge real soon, as the competition is Monday April 30th...

dads car in action
sanding and primer
drying after hand brush of future

 This is my attempt at replicating my dads 32 coupe stock car....I am not much of a car builder, and I did a horrible job on the engine and other things...I was attempting the paint scheme...and not so much color perfect...Plus this was my first ever go at airbrushing....

I did not take pictures of the process of masking...I forgot...as we all do at times...doh...my bad!

I did a fair job with masking..on the first round of paint...then I had to remask and paint again...this time I had paint lift...so I had to do it again...and I mixed the paint poorly and had some more issues..Finally I got to the point of...do I start fresh or let it go...I decided to let it go...I had some glue mishaps with the paint..some engine parts that decided to not want to go where they should.

 So, I said PFFFTTT....and just slapped it together. I took a bunch of liberty with free form gluing and fabrication...pretty much how Dad probably did it on the car itself...    ..I am going to make a 2nd 32 coupe stock car...and do it right this time..or AS CLOSE TO RIGHT AS I CAN DO IT...and bring the car into my view of a 21st century version of this stock car..

I hope to do that in the next 3 or 4 months...I have a bunch of Gundams to build and have to find a different kit of this car...

I had a pretty good time putting this together...and I have a sense of accomplishment....My first kit with a airbrush, my first car model in a LOOOONNNNNGGGG time...and as bad as I felt I did...it still looks OK

I am coming away from this build with a TON of respect for car model builders...