Our Dad, Clifford Goll....thanks Matt

Thursday, April 18, 2013

50 Olds...and Sword Impulse....projects on the table

With the completion of the Junk Yard Dog FuKu....I cleaned up the hobby area for a new Project....It was going to be a 55 chevy monogram kit...but the parts were outta whack, and I put the body in a puddle of glue and melted the roof...So I shelved that for the time being and decided to go with the 50 Olds

Clean work space...Means....New Project

50 Olds
This kit is only the 3rd car model I have even tried to build since the early 80's....this skill level 3 kit has 197 parts... for me that is a lot of stuff to mess up...with Gundams....there is not a lot of gluing and sticky stuff...you weld parts with a light glue...I tried the welding on a few parts on the trashed 55...they were gooey and gummy and never cured...so I had to use my testors get you high glue...on the Olds...I have a few parts together...and will post stuff up in a future blog....It is going to be slow going...Fennie and I agreed to to do our very best on these car kits.... Hopefully he will post up his cars and a few of his Gundam builds in the near future...

Sword Impulse
 My Next Gundam will be the Sword Impulse....I am going to break plastic once I get all of my car parts sanded and ready for primer and paint....I am going to really have a Sword vibe for this kit, because one of my favorite bands...The Sword....check them out  http://swordofdoom.com/  will be giving me some rocking vibes....and good tunes and a good vibe make for good modeling....just saying

Later Dudes...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Junkyard dog FUKU

the FUKU...or the FitchenFOO kits bought by Fennie...
I was very happy that Fennie gave me one of his Zaku's that he purchased from the Foo.
It gave me an opportunity to try my hand at some weathering.

Captain America Who?...IT's FUKU..JYD

rust paint and stipple...with wash 
 I started off by taking the kit apart...it was prebuilt, and needed some sanding and touch ups.....Then I painted the parts a rust color, and added some stipple effects and a wash of brown/rust color
 next I did the salt technique...after painting a coat of acrylic clear and letting it dry...I coated the parts in hair spray...then coarse and fine grain salt and let dry
 then hit it with a few coats of my chosen color
salt rubbed off

salt applied after mentioned steps
these two photos show the before and after process...the left hand photo shows the part with salt...the above right hand shows after the paint was applied and salt removed....
Below we have two photos of the legs inner skeleton and outer parts...each part was done individually and sprayed with color of my  scheme

 The photo below shows the left side foot after my wash of a 10-1 thinned smoke wash...it is subtle  but I thought tied it all together nicely...I also used some blue masking gel  in the weathering process...I painted it on before I added the salt(let it dry completely before adding salt)

 the head unit I had a few issues with the clear shield not fitting over the mono eye...so I left it off
 I added some liquid weather solutions to get the dark rust on the thrusters and power cables...

I finished up with some weathering powders...
and this is what I got....

I learned that you just have to go with it...and try to do things the way you think they should be done...don't worry about right and wrong...Just have fun...learn...and get better each time you set up the modeling mat.................Skendo out...until the next time...questions, comments, critique welcomed.......

Thursday, April 11, 2013

FUKU Junkyard Dog...full monty...coming soon

Complete build write up with plenty of pictures...coming SOON!!!!!

FUKU Junkyard Dog