Our Dad, Clifford Goll....thanks Matt

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Skendo's Geara Zulu phase 1.....part 1

This is my work space...I share this bench with Liam the Model Ninja....I have most of the things I need , but does one ever have all the things one needs!!!

Here is the first page of instructions for the Geara, and my homemade sanding sticks...this is not a tutorial or anything..just some pics of my build....there are a lot of good tutorials out there...ask, and I will tell ya which ones I have checked out for hints and tips...

 Here are a few completed parts. I wear the cheaters.cuz I can't SEE.....I have the hardest time when I drop crap on the floor...searched 20 minutes for a small PC part a day or two ago.....

I have a bunch more to do on this prefab....next post from me, I will show a few more parts, and progress...

this is only phase one of my system.....other phases to come....if I get my butt in gear

Fennie will be posting some of his stuff soon...he has an awesome kit started, with some really cool upgrades...but that will be for him to show and tell


  1. To answer your question "does one ever have all the things one needs". NOPE. It is true for any and every crafter, no matter what the type. I could have 500 pieces of green paper, but still not be able to match something I want to work with!
    Look forward to more of the build and to see what Fennie is gettin up to!
