Our Dad, Clifford Goll....thanks Matt

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dirty Donnie Challenge Complete

With the T-13 Dirty Donny Challenge coming to a close...and the length of time since our last post...I am throwing this Teaser photo of Hendo's Pepto Mopar Donny Special....we have a photo shoot coming up, where all the cars will be represented


Monday, September 23, 2013


tHE 3 MODELING MEMBERS OF t-13 ARE ALL BUILDING THIS KIT...THE offical start date was Sept 1st.......................FINISH DATE In November

updates to come...but No sneak peaks

Update on Sword, and vette to come soon...as well as PG Zaku and more

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sword....Vette....Mustang...finished works, and WIP's

 In all its glory...the Sword stands in Boyd Orange Pearl, Tamiya. Metallic Blue, Gun Metal., Metallic Silver, Gold......I had some issues with the Boyd paint...I have never used enamel of this nature...I do like how it went on and how the clean up was real easy....I had a bunch of dead time while doing this kit, with vacations and stuff...so it was a real different flow to the building and painting process...I finished up and I am quite happy with the results

I really think this is a great kit, it was fun to build, the articulation is great, and all the extra goodies make it a real fun challenge....a great 1st MG kit as well

 Now this 63 Vette has been a real pain in the butt...It was made in 1988 and the molds were off just a little, meaning huge seam lines, and parts that just don't fit as well as I wanted...and not having a bunch of experience with cars,,...I am learning to work with it...it is very challenging and frustrating...but I think will pay off when I build a newer car that has a better mold...above is the final mock up before painting...below, left and right the interior...the seats were molded in,(UGH) and right I tried to dry brush the panel details...didn't work as I had hoped, bottom center is interior set on frame...unfortunately...it is off...by a lot, and sits a bit funny...I don't know if I should trim off a bunch, or just deal....I have almost 2 months in this, and I am close to destroying it....LOL

 Below...2 shots of Liam's 07 Mustang.....the engine has been painted platinum(not in pic) and the car is flat blue....it has since been gloss coated with future floor wax....more photos to come on this in the future

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Update on Sword...and stuff on the Table

 Up first is my AMT 63 Vette....the kit is from 1988 and is a nightmare of miss molded parts and thick or thin plastic...the window support beam was broken and small wing window support bent...
 Two engine options....I went with.....naw...show you later...lots of work to de-chrome....and get parts ready,,,,probably why this has been on bench so long....
 Stock option with drag wheels...for my straight build...and my test hood with Boyd mettalic orange paint
option one aftermarket wheels

option 2 aftermarket wheels

 Sword preview...shield  part is Gray metallic...gun platinum

Tamiya Metallic blue to the right....below the leg in progress...Boyd...and Tamiya paints....Shield in both positions

On the table....PG Zaku...just cutting some parts and looking...lots of stuff...can hardly figure out directions on this one...crazy stuff

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Sword....Sword Impulse Gundam

This is the newest build on my table...the Sword Impulse Gundam....this post will be the first of a few...to show progress...and my own style of building

Here is The Sword Rocking out the song Freya,...this band has been the sound track for this build along with  my Pandora Doom Metal channel....Good Tunes and Gunpla go hand in hand

 Popped open the box and here it is...ah yes...fresh and ready to be opened and the journey to begin....I have a new exacto and my sanding pads on hand....above ...I mark off each part as I start the process...cut, then trim, then sand....the shield takes form...

 the  pics are of the upper torso...I cut, trim, then pre fit...to make sure everything is right...and visualize my color scheme....below, this pile of parts will make up a leg...this kit has very good articulation...so it is good to preview this before committing to paint

 Here the kit has been put together, notes taken...so I know what will need extra attention on the painting and rebuild....
 Parts laid out in section specific trays after the anneal process.....

coming soon....Paint.....a journey to the center of my minds eye...as I find the colors to complete my vision

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

55 Bad Boy Dragster....weathering project

Since I am really bad at this car modeling stuff....I needed to build entire suspension and undercarriage before priming....some parts did not fit, so I ended up making them fit....
 I am always eager to jump the gun, so I slapped some tires and the body onto the frame to get a visual....looking sweet(ha) I trimmed out the fender well, and added some damage(to be rusted out later).....
 A coat of rust colored paint.....I forgot to gloss coat this layer...it is important before you do the salt layer to protect the rust when you clean off salt
 stippled some different shades of rust colored paint, added some blue masking liquid to a spot or two....hairspray, then coarse and fine salt...still trying to perfect that...it is difficult to get the placement just right...but practice and reps make it easier....
 Also did a bunch of the other car parts...engine, and rims...
 this is the mocked up engine...I took all the paint off the valve cover on the right of the photo...so I had to slap new paint on to cover the yellow plastic...this is why you put the protection coat on...save you from errors like this
 on the engine I added some oil grime weathering liquid mixed with baking soda to try and produce a engine block that had been around awhile and had been hammered on a bit...should have added some black to the mix, but got the desired look to a point
 did the same to the rear end pumpkin...baking soda and rust colored weathering liquid....
 they call the process of using the baking soda and liquid weathering...3D weathering...because it stands out...this spot was one of my attempts on the body
 this side shot shows where I cut the frame away, and added the 3D effects to show extreme rusting
 Here she is...complete..so to speak...I lost parts in a 2 foot move from spray table to work bench...I don't know how I do it...but I always do
 I added some weathering powders to finish up the job...after I put the liquid weathering solution on(and a few coats of matte finish)...it adds a bit more depth and is kinda fun to mess with...

I learned a ton on this kit...my first attempt at vehicle weathering....the thing I really enjoyed was watching each layer of work bring life to a yellow hunk of plastic....It is a true pleasure to create...it does not have to be a master piece each time out...it should just be fun...I think I swore at myself the least of any kit I have built...so I must be doing something right...or at least starting to

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Liam's Lego creation

pilot cockpit
 My 11 year old son Liam built this Mecha Suit....he has had several creative ideas, and I have been lax on taking pictures and sharing them...this was a recent build right before he turned 11...

Today is his birthday...So Happy Birthday Liam...keep the creativity coming...
