Since I am really bad at this car modeling stuff....I needed to build entire suspension and undercarriage before priming....some parts did not fit, so I ended up making them fit....
I am always eager to jump the gun, so I slapped some tires and the body onto the frame to get a visual....looking sweet(ha) I trimmed out the fender well, and added some damage(to be rusted out later).....
A coat of rust colored paint.....I forgot to gloss coat this is important before you do the salt layer to protect the rust when you clean off salt
stippled some different shades of rust colored paint, added some blue masking liquid to a spot or two....hairspray, then coarse and fine salt...still trying to perfect is difficult to get the placement just right...but practice and reps make it easier....
Also did a bunch of the other car parts...engine, and rims...
this is the mocked up engine...I took all the paint off the valve cover on the right of the I had to slap new paint on to cover the yellow plastic...this is why you put the protection coat you from errors like this
on the engine I added some oil grime weathering liquid mixed with baking soda to try and produce a engine block that had been around awhile and had been hammered on a bit...should have added some black to the mix, but got the desired look to a point
did the same to the rear end pumpkin...baking soda and rust colored weathering liquid....
they call the process of using the baking soda and liquid weathering...3D weathering...because it stands out...this spot was one of my attempts on the body
this side shot shows where I cut the frame away, and added the 3D effects to show extreme rusting
Here she to speak...I lost parts in a 2 foot move from spray table to work bench...I don't know how I do it...but I always do
I added some weathering powders to finish up the job...after I put the liquid weathering solution on(and a few coats of matte finish) adds a bit more depth and is kinda fun to mess with...
I learned a ton on this first attempt at vehicle weathering....the thing I really enjoyed was watching each layer of work bring life to a yellow hunk of plastic....It is a true pleasure to does not have to be a master piece each time should just be fun...I think I swore at myself the least of any kit I have I must be doing something right...or at least starting to
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