Our Dad, Clifford Goll....thanks Matt

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Goufing off, and stuff....

Well....after a long break...I am back rolling on some projects....the Gouf has been painted, and clear coated and now awaits the final stages

Gouf parts ready to go

SD Team challenge
Above are the parts to my Dom SD...for our team paint and build challenge...we must use black, silver, white and gray on this kit...not all the colors but that is the pallet we get to pick from...we must also mask part of the kit for a two tone design, and use a water slide decal somewhere...

Liam has a kit as well, and I will post his up later

The Bird build-off kit

The RX-78-4 above  is up next for a T-13 brothers build off...we will be repping our favorite football teams in our color schemes...more on that later

32 ford for my car project
 the above 32 ford kit is going to be my first car model in some time.  I hope to turn it into a close replica of my Dad's 32 stock car, but with my own little tweaks...

paasche compressor
aztek airbrush
After 7 years of owning the Aztek, I got a compressor for my birthday...and now my model building journey will basically start all over...as I learn the process of airbrushing...looking forward to making a mess with this thing....homemade booth coming soon!!!!

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